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Bridging Divides Through Radio

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Analysis, Research & Action in Fragile States & Conflict Zones

Okapi Consulting make things happen in tough places



Tchad : Plaidoyer pour la construction d’un hôpital provincial au lac.

| Chad | No Comments
 Le délégué provincial de la santé de la province du lac, Dr Koulmini Sam, plaide pour la construction d’un hôpital provincial moderne au lac.  Lors d’une rencontre avec le gouverneur,…

Environnement: Recrudescence des conflits hommes-éléphants au lac

| Chad | No Comments
Les conflits entre hommes-éléphants sont récurrents dans la province du lac. Cette espèce protégée est au centre de toutes les préoccupations au regard des dégâts matériels qu’elle engendre dans les…

Culture : Prestation des artistes Aimadji Ephraïm et Neldé Calvin ce 11 octobre à L’IFT.

| Chad | No Comments
Les artistes Aimadji Ephraïm, musicien chanteur et Neldé Calvin, humoriste tchadien, ont conjointement animé ce lundi 07 octobre une conférence de presse pour annoncer leurs spectacles prévus pour le vendredi…

Tchad : 250.000 enfants souffrent de malnutrition aiguë sévère et risquent de mourir entre novembre 2024 et juin 2025, selon l’Unicef

| Chad | No Comments
L’Unicef a alerté ce vendredi 4 octobre, qu’au Tchad, 250.000 enfants souffrent de malnutrition aiguë sévère, et risquent de mourir entre novembre 2024 et juin 2025, en raison d’un manque…



Through our associates across the continent we can provide you with expert analysis on political, security and economic issues from the most challenging places, including fragile states and zones of conflict

Research & Action

Feasibility studies for the projects you know are necessary; monitoring and evaluation of your work in progress; turn-key operations for media projects with dedicated funding.


Brainstorming, training, workshops, partnerships and professional advice based on extensive in-the-field experience.

Media and tech expertise

Appropriate assistance using appropriate technology for a world where the technological and logistical playing field is not even – analogue, digital, social media, websites, print, electronic.

We are a leader in innovative thinking on media and research issues in tough places – conflict zones, fragile states and places where freedom of expression is still only a dream. In places where the creation of a democratic state is still a work in progress, we use appropriate technology to get the message through.


Turn-key solutions for every market, every audience, every challenge.

Websites and IT

Convergence is the key. Your communications tools should be linked to all appropriate platforms.

Research & Analysis

Political, economic and security background for media outlets, think tanks and private clients.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Milestone and way-forward analysis and advice.

Feasibility Studies

Conducting field research to assess project potential using appropriate technology.


Media relations, newsroom development, background on conflict zones and fragile states.



Radio Okapi electronically destroyed the frontline in the Congo’s war.

Amos Namanga NgongiSpecial Representative for the Secretary General United Nations Peacekeeping Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo, speaking to the Security Council, 2002